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SF Labor Council Support Korean Ssangyong Auto Workers, KTU Teachers and KMU Media Workers

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The SF Labor Council protested the repression of Korean unionists and a picket was held outside the San Francisco Korean Consulate on 7/28/2009.
SFLC Resolution For Korean Workers Solidarity Action 7/28/2009

Resolution in Support of Korean Workers and Call by KCTU for Solidarity Action

Whereas, Korean Ssangyong Workers in Seoul, Korea have come under a police attack with
the use of hired goons to break the occupation; and

Whereas, the company has refused to negotiate with these workers and their union and,
Whereas, many of these workers have been burned and injured as well by the use of
helicopter to drop tear gas tainted with thinner which has caused serious burning; and

Whereas, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions KCTU has called on July 21, 2009 for
international solidarity actions at embassies and consulates around the world with the title
"Stop Police Suppression against the striking workers of Ssangyong
Montors!"; and

Whereas, Korean KTU Public Teachers have also had their union offices raided because of
their opposition to new education measures that harm education in Korea; and

Whereas, Korean KMU media workers have also launched a general strike to protest
repressive legislation limiting free speech and allowing the media companies to make these
workers temporary,

Therefore be it Resolved that the San Francisco Labor Council opposes these police attacks
on the Ssangyong auto workers, the repression against KTU public teachers and supports the
actions of the KMU media workers to protect free speech and also opposes the introduction of
rules forcing them to become temporary workers and

Therefore be it Finally Resolved that the San Francisco Labor Council calls on the Korean
government to respect democratic labor rights and allow workers to organize and protest
without the use of police and private security goons and furthermore this council will support a
solidarity picket on Tuesday 4:00 PM July 28, 2009 at the Korean Consulate located at 3500
Clay St. SF initiated by the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee and will send a delegation
to participate and meet with the San Francisco Consul General with a letter of protest and will
also send a solidarity statement to the KCTU and the affiliated unions that the San Francisco
labor movement opposes these attacks and stands in solidarity for justice and labor rights for
worker and trade unionists in South Korea.

Submitted by Rodger Scott, AFT 2121, and unanimously adopted by the San Francisco Labor
Council on July 27, 2009.


Tim Paulson
Executive Director OPEIU 3 AFL-CIO 11
Alan Fisher, past president of AFT 2121 SF Community College joined the picket line to protest the repression of Korean workers.
§SF Solidarity Picket for Korean Workers
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Labor And community supporters joined the picket line to protest the attack on Korean workers on 7/28/2009
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